
March 21, 2012


So, it might come as a surprise, but I haven't made home made brownies before, unless you count the box kind of brownies being made at home.

But I wanted to make some from scratch, and the last time I tried I failed miserably, and when I say miserably, I mean they melted. I didn't think that was possible, but they literally melted into an oblivion. So I decided to make brownies from my faithful recipe hot spot: Smitten Kitchen.

And, these came out moist and yummy! I was so proud of myself. They are perfect with a tall glass of milk.

Snacking on these and making some bracelets. My two new favorite things to do! Enjoy!


  1. Ciao, Hi there Kim
    Che Artista...i Tuoi Dolci sono creazioni d'Arte fanno venire l'acquolina in Bocca!
    You have such Artistic talent in cooking...Cheers/Evviva
    Ciao/Greetings from Sicily by fellow Artist Aurè

  2. These look delicious! You take awesome pictures!


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