
April 23, 2012

weekend recap

This weekend we went to a very large flea market to find some vintage pieces. I love savaging for vintage jewelry, which I take apart and re-use and re-construct for some pieces in my Black Feather line, so each piece is unique and most of the time one of a kind.

The flea market was situated right next to a beautiful lake. We walked and watched the birds and ducks get fed.

And we picked up trash that we found in the lake. Visitors come to the lake with bags of bread to feed the birds, and many bags end up in the lake. Plastic bags to not biodegrade, so they are forever in the lake, small fishes, turtles and the birds can suffocate or accidentally eat them.
It only takes a few seconds or minutes to pick up trash, and it makes such a big difference.

I have a person in the neighborhood who I admire greatly. I see him walking in the morning picking up small pieces of trash in front of everyone's homes that must have blew into yards. He's just doing his part to make sure our neighborhood/community is taken care of, we need more people like him.


  1. Kim, hi. Your meal looks so good. I'll have to try that sometime. Looks like you had a great day. Your photos are great. I think it is very good of you in picking up the trash. I applaud you and your efforts. There should be more people like you. Enjoy your day.

  2. Hi Gloria! Thanks so much for stopping by:) And I appreciate your sweet comments! Take good care!!

  3. Kim, the Spirolina I talk about I took about 2 years ago and did feel a lot more energy by taking it. On the post I added a link to the FDA who has approved the use of it and details the nutrients. It's really a "super food." I tried clicking on your name at the comment you left me but it said your blog didn't exist and that you had no profile? Anyway I found you, tee hee. Take care and have a great weekend. I really do love how those potatoes look.


Thanks for stopping by! I love when you visit me and I especially love it when you write me.