
May 23, 2012

Things that make me smile this week

Making chocolate chip cookies.
Visiting my family and spending time with them and my nephew. These are his little feet.

Attempting to make chocolate cream pie and strawberry cream pie. The chocolate pie was not successful, but the two layer strawberry cream pie was!

Taking photos along my journey in life. It's can be the smallest things in life that I stop and take a look at and tell myself, "Life is good".

Enjoy your week!

May 20, 2012

roller derby hurts custom sugar skulls

I was approached a few months ago to create a few custom skulls for a birthday gift to the lovely Derby Hurts founder. As the site mentions, Derby hurts is an online forum/group for injured roller derby women can communicate, support and learn from each other. These ladies are amazing and fierce!

I was given the logo and asked to bring it to life and I was honored to. I worked on three of them, one to give to the birthday girl, a friend, and one for her to keep herself. And, I finally had a chance to upload a few photos.

This was a challenging project, but I like pushing myself and it was something I never worked on before. I worked on it a little bit every day.

And Yanni helped me by making custom crutches out of wood and clay to match the logo.

Unfortunately, I don't have many photos of when I completed them, except for the few below. I added more details, such as shadows, varnish gloss, and a strap for each helmet. I also wrote their roller derby names on the back of the helmet with their jersey number. I remember I completed them late at night and wanted to package them up to ship them out early in the morning, but it is a project I will never forget!

Thanks for stopping by!

May 16, 2012

Feeling Blue

I was just look at my shop - can you tell I really like the color blue?

Click on the photos above to be taken to my shop:)

May 7, 2012

weekly gratitude

For the worry dolls my brother brought me on a recent trip of his. If you don't know what worry dolls are, let me briefly explain, they are mini little handmade dolls, I believe they originated from Guatemala, and you whisper your worry to one before you go to sleep and slip him under your pillow, when you awake the next day your worry will be gone. It is a delightful little folk tale. 

For the The Barker Character, Comic and Cartoon Museum that we visited this week and spent hours looking through this amazing toy collection. I have never seen anything like this before. It brought back so many memories of toys I played with and even lunch boxes I had. The collection is amazing.  

For the sweet treats I enjoy and the conversations I have over them.

For my supportive customers and people of my art and jewelry! I receive custom requests and this newest piece was suggested and created for a customer who gave me this idea and I love it! It's my favorite piece in the Black Feather shop.

Have a great week!!

May 3, 2012


I found this great post from Toronto Standard showcasing a few skull items that I just had to share with you:

Skull-shaped soaps by Citizen Bio are a perfect Shakespearean mash-up: use poor Yorick's head to wash out those damned spots. Get four in a box for $44 at Art.27, 889 Queen St. West.

2. Dan Akroyd's Crystal Head Vodka (750 mL) will make a zombie out of you 'ere you've drunk half its brains. $59.95 at the LCBO 267302, 20 Bloor St. East, Shopping Concourse Level.

3. A string of teeth looks a little bit Mr. Kurtz, but don't worry (were you worried?), they're just meta. Speech Necklace, $280, at Carte Blanche, 758 Queen St. West.

4. And for dangerous nights out, the blood-red Skull & Skin clutch is topped with gemmy knuckle-holders, so you never lose your grip. $85 at Elle Hardware, 695 Queen St. West.

May 1, 2012

how to make chocolate chip pancakes

As you know I love making pancakes on Sunday mornings, this is what I did on Sunday. Enjoy and have a beautiful weekend!