
September 29, 2012

weekend recap

Sometimes staying  in is all I want to do. There is so much to see and so much to do. I get it, sometimes you just want to get away, drive a bit and see a different scene, try something new, but I sometimes I love being in.

On a sunny morning I will sit on the porch and enjoy some tea with a homemade breakfast, like these yummy banana french toast I recently made, and I will look at all the pretty surroundings that grow around me, like the gigantic spider growing and growing on the porch, her/his web is growing and growing too.

On a rainy morning I like to curl up on the couch and read. I have been reading lots of books lately and have so many to recommend and I will be sharing a few soon.

I watch the flowers reaching towards the sun after the rain falls, and now I am starting to see them quickly wither as fall sets in, cold nights and cold mornings.

I can't believe the first of October is in just a few days. This is my favorite time of year. I will be pumpkin picking in just a few weeks, and carving my jack-o-latern, and watching my favorite Halloween movie, Practical you feel fall is here? I am watching the leaves change colors. And I am already starting to decorate!

Have a lovely weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite time of the year too Kim. I love to just kick back with my Kindle or a movie and sometimes stay in bed when I can. Your food always looks good. I'm making pancakes for breakfast tomorrow. It's a tradition. My dad used to make pancakes every Sunday for me and my brothers. I've continued it to this day. Take care.


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