
May 4, 2014

home made big mac

So, I have a little confession I used to be a McDonald's junkie many moons ago. I loved Big Macs and nothing could get in my way. I was in high school and could get away with eating two a day and not seeing or feeling any difference. Not that I did eat two a day, but I am just saying I could get away with it if I wanted to.

Years later, and many documentaries later I found how unhealthy eating at McDonald's was for me. I got to the point that I would get nauseous just looking at McDonalds whenever I passed one.

But once in a very blue moon I would think about my Big Mac. So I decided to make a home made Big Mac.

  • 1 pound of lean ground beef'
  • Sesame buns
  • Slices of American cheese
  • Shredded Lettuce
  • 1 onion
  • Pickles
  • Thousand Island dressing

I didn't make the traditional double patty and double bottom bun type of big mac,  so for this sake, let's call it a mini mac.

After toasting the sesame bun, I spread the thousand island dressing, and then sprinkled the chopped onion, next I put some shredded lettuce, then the beef patty.

Everyone talks about the secret sauce, but to me it's always just tasted like Thousand Island dressing, I thought it was a perfect choice.

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