
August 26, 2014

amethyst necklaces now at black feather

I've been working on some new pieces for the Black Feather shop. New in our Black Feather shop are these beautiful amethyst necklaces. I wear mine everyday and they look awesome with my raw amethyst rings.

Amethyst is such a beautiful stone and has multiple metaphysical and spiritual meanings and properties. It's definitely one of my favorite stones, second only to turquoise.

Check out the Black Feather shop.

August 18, 2014

beef and bean burritos

Making burritos is one of the easiest and yummiest meals to make. Usually, I have Taco Tuesday and the next day for lunch or dinner I use the leftovers to make easy burritos.

First, warm up your tortilla. In this case I simply used a tomato and basil wrap. I warm up both sides on medium to low heat for just a few seconds on each side. Enough to make it soft.

Next, I spread some refried beans, I also love using crushed black beans. Whatever you have in the cabinet.

I add any other toppings, such as my left overs from Taco Tuesday, in this case I had my grounded turkey with tomatoes and onions. I will occasionally add black beans, corn, and anything else I had from the night before.

Next I fold the tortilla into a burrito. The easiest way is to  fold the bottom just a little bit and then fold the left side over (like folding a shirt) and then the right flap and then I turn it over.

Next, spread some tomato or taco sauce over the wrap.

Add grated or shredded cheese and then put in the microwave on a microwave safe plate for about 30 seconds, or until the cheese melts.

It ain't pretty, but it sure is delicious. It's really easy to make and a great way to use leftovers.

August 12, 2014

vintage rompers at black feather

I love wearing rompers in the spring and summer. They are so easy, effortless and comfortable. I simply change my accessories, like shoes, jewelry, and jackets to give them a new look.

I especially love looking for vintage rompers. I am now sharing a few and have posted some to my Etsy shop:

Turquoise Spike Bib Necklace   |   Vintage Romper   |   Succulent Ring   |   Turquoise and Crystal Bracelet
Floral Head Crown
This pretty amethyst horn necklace is now in the shop too. I wear mine almost every day.

August 9, 2014

taekwondo update

Having a little fun before our test begins.
Performing our poomsae.
Yanni flying high to hit the target and the both us performing poomsae together.
Yanni and I just finished our red and green belt test and we passed! Which means we got our red belt. I can't believe that I am only 3 belts away from testing for my black belt. We have 3 more belts to train and test for and then after that we have another 6 months of pre-testing before I test for my black belt.

When I started on my Taekwondo journey in November 2012 the journey felt long and sometimes even frustrating. I didn't know if I was going to be able to do it or to keep it up. When you first start, you see higher belts and want to move like them and do what they can do. But with every class, and then with every test I felt more and more confident.

Since we first started, Yanni has been so supportive. When I would get down and not think I could do it, he was always my biggest supporter, pushing me to believe in myself.

Taekwondo takes a lot of discipline. I stretch and perform my forms everyday, and am constantly practicing so I don't forget and build it into muscle memory.

It's been a long journey, that at the same time has passed so quickly. I am so lucky to have a partner who has taken this journey with me, so we can share this together.

At the end of this month, he and I celebrate our 13th anniversary. I couldn't have asked for a better partner in the dojo and in life.

August 4, 2014

breakfast today - teddy bear english muffin

How cute is this little bear? I made these using high fiber hearty english muffins that I slightly toasted, one bear has peanut butter and the other nutella. I added slices of bananas for their ears and mouth.

Just add little chocolate chips and almonds for eyes and nose. You can also use blueberries or raisins.

Almost too cute to eat. Enjoy!