
May 19, 2010

Progress on Painting..

I have been slowly working on this painting. As you might remember I started this paintings littl bit ago and it was called "Mi Amigo the Serpent", but the more I work on it the more I don't think I want to include the snake.

I think I might keep it simple with the woman standing in front of the jungle/green leaves. I am thinking the title might be "Hojas Verde" (Green Leaves). And Frida inspired me for this painting. Especially the monkeys in her paintings. Maybe I could include a monkey.

I will see where my hands lead me.

Thanks for stopping by!


May 11, 2010

La Sirena Painting Finished

I finished the "La Sirena" painting.

The original painting is 5x7, which is new for me, because I usually paint on a large canvas.
But I think I am going to paint some small paintings, they are fun to do.

I have postcards available of her in the postcard shop.
On other news, I am also getting paintings and items ready, because I have a show this weekend at Dava :) I will post more about it this week.
Take care,

May 4, 2010

Working on La Sirena

Today I was working on my newest painting, "La Sirena". I drew her up a long time ago, and I have been meaning to paint her. The painting is pretty small. I think the canvas might be about 4x6 or it might be 3x5. I have to measure it.

I wanted to add little fish, add flowers to her hair, and have her hold a special sea shell she found. I need to work on some more details, but she is almost finished. As soon as she is, I will be creating glossy postcards of her. Just in time for the warmer weather.

Thanks for stopping by!

Peace and Love,
