
July 26, 2010

These two are the newest paintings I have created.

The second one (Pink rose) I am working on a bit more, something is missing...once she is finished she is off to Dava. The first one (red rose) I am saving for my Novemeber show. I want to make a few more faces because they were really fun to make.

I really want to make a Frida one and a Day of the Dead skull one with a bunch of flowers on top of its head, it will be perfect for Day of the Dead, which is only about 4 months away!!

July 14, 2010

La Gordita

I first did this quick pen sketch of what the painting would look like. I don't typically do sketches, but I was just doodling in my sketch book and drew her up.

I was inspired by the Gordita paintings and I wanted to make a lovely full-figure woman. One that was not shy about her curves and beauty.

I am still working on some details, such as the shadowing of her dress and the wall.

I wonder what she is holding behind her? :) Sometimes I feel like my little ladies in my paintings are alive, and I wonder what they would say, or what they would do..
Call me crazy :)

Thanks for stopping by!!

July 4, 2010

New Painting in the works...and a few other things..

This morning I am working this little painting. She is one of my smaller and newer paintings in the works. It's a little cholita. Which I am always facinated with painting. I am deciding what she will be holding. I was thinking either some coca leaves, a basket of coca leaves, petting a little llama..decisions..decisions..

I am using acyrlics and also watercolors. I actually really enjoy working with watercolors on canvas. It's a different technique, but when I was younger I loved doing it, because if I wasn't happy, I would just wash it off the canvas.

Even though the recent paintings I do in the theme of Bolivian art and Day of the Dead are simpler, but vibrant, I am still trying to sharpen my techniques with certain things, such as the way the clouds should look and making small strands in the hair.

Two of the most valuable things I have learned are:

1. Paint only what you love.

You need to create something you love, or your entire heart won't be in it.

2. Brushes matter.

I use to actually use the same brush for everything, small details, background. Now I use brushes of all different sizes, which should be a given, but at one point I thought I could get away with one brush or 3 different brushes. Now I understand that 1 tool cannot be used for everything. Like a screwdriver cannot be used to hammer:)

Happy Fourth of July! I hope your having a wonderful day either relaxing, or outside in front of the grill bbqing some delicious things.

I think I will be doing a little bit of both!!