
August 28, 2011

weekend recap

I love pretty and yummy cookies. It's a weakness of mine. I thought I deserved a few sweet treats with all the worries we had due to Hurricane Irene.

Irene came to Connecticut in the wee hours of Sunday morning and this morning Yanni took a picture of this tree that fell in front of us.

We had to alter our plans and stay home this weekend because of Hurricane Irene, better safe then sorry. On the positive side, it was nice to stay home, lounge, relax, and do things around the house. We popped popcorn, watched movies, like Ace Ventura Pet Detective. I love Jim Carrey, he always makes me laugh.

And we also enjoyed this yummy organic non-dairy "ice cream", which tastes absolutely yummy with cinnamon and peaches. There is nothing better then being able to read and understand the ingredients of what you put in your body.

I also had an urge to do some pencil drawings. I've been inspired by my new shop Black Feather and I wanted to draw a picture of a feather, but the drawing became bigger than just one feather. I kept drawing more and more feathers. The feather with the little birds breaking out and flying off the feather was inspired by a tattoo I had seen online. I really liked the way it came out and I had an extra frame I wasn't using and a few mats. I over lapped a beige one and a purple one and decided to frame it and put it up in my room on my dresser.

I think it compliments my Native American and Bolivian decor very nicely.

I also started painting Dia de los Muertos Masks and will be listing them in my Peachy Cheek Etsy shop.

Have a wonderful week!!


  1. Love the masks!! I'm making some for a Dia de los Muertos festival at a gallery I sell out of in AZ. Been having so much fun with them too! I love Italian cookies...have an Italian con-madre who taught me how to make some many years ago when we were young mommies...she now lives in Poughkeepsie, NY, and I miss her much.

    One day I was watching some program on the Foodnetwork, and the Italian host was making what we call around here, Mexican Wedding Cookies, but he call them something else, but in English it translates to "Liar Cookies." I loved it and when I made some for my grandsons I told them that if they ate any and admitted not getting into the cookie platter, they would be found out. Well, as little ones will do, they challenged me and I called them liars...I told them to go to the mirror and check out their powdered sugar smiles...they just fell down laughing, so now, we call them Liar cookies.

    Glad the hurricane didn't do much damage...we sure could use some rain and cooler weather out west...too HOT!! Have a great week.


  2. Ciao, Great photos of the Italian Cookies . . . I Love them,. . .a seductive Work of Art indeed !
    In Sicily similar cookies are named "Dolcini di Mandorla", they're made with Almonds.

    Your Art is very Beautiful, Cheers

    ...glad to hear Hurricane Irene didnt much damage there

    Ciao dall'Italia, Best regards from Italy by fellow Artist Aurè

  3. Hi Georgina! Thanks! I am glad you like the masks! I wish we had some Dia de los Muertos festivals here in Connecticut!!

    How cute about the Liar cookies and your grandsons!!! I love sugar cookies and powdered cookies and any cookies:)

    Take care!!


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