
September 11, 2011

Weekend Recap


  • This weekend Yanni and I spent a lot of time outdoors. This weekend was beautiful, sunny, warm, but cool at the same time. We ate breakfast on the porch and while we were eating outside Yanni noticed a beautiful monarch butterfly that I quickly took a few photos of.
  • I ate my favorite Love Crunch and I made Yanni a chicken, onion and pepper omelet
  • Over us I saw a beautiful eagle soaring over us. I hope he was watching over us too.
  • We went for a beautiful hike the next morning and we made it up to the tower. There is such as beautiful view of our Connecticut hills and the park is such an inspiration. We love going there to disconnect.
  • That night we were on our way to our favorite place for dinner and decided to try something new and took a turn and ate an Italian restaurant we never went to before. Unfortunately, it wasn't as great as our favorite place, but we are glad we tried something new. You won't know until you try it!
  • And last, but not least, I have been busy working on sugar skulls, masks, and new head pieces for the shop.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!! Have a great week!!

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