
September 23, 2011

weekly gratitude

  •  Thank you Plan B restaurant and Thomas, our super nice waiter, we had the best burgers and the yummiest Jalapeno Poppers ever!
  • Thank you Target for having such cute Halloween things. I couldn't help but buy the mummy led lights to decorate the house for Halloween.
  • Thank you Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder for making me laugh again as I watched your other movie, See No Evil, Hear No Evil. I can't wait to watch Blazing Saddles and Silver Streak next!
  • Thank you morther nature, for the beautiful weather! I am looking forward to this weekend and celebrating the first day of fall today by buying pumkins and carving them!
  • Thank you Yanni for cooking, cleaning and doing everything this week when I wasn't feeling well. We are so lucky we have each other!
  • Thank you DQ for having the yummiest desserts too and bringing back French Silk Blizzards! My favorite!
  • Thank you Yanni for intervening and making things better when I almost threw a punch, not really, but wanted to, when the cashier person was so rude beyond comprehenstion to us for no reason! You always know when to hold me back :)
  • And a special thank you to all of those who have written to me and said such sweet things to lift my spirits about my grandmother.


  1. I suppose I've been out of the loop concerning your grandmother, hope you're doing well. As for the movies, you'll love "Blazing Saddle." It's one of my favs, especially the fireside scene...I know, it's sophomoric, but it's still one of the funniest things I've ever seen! I love Mel Brooks...he's a comedic genius.

    Have a good week and take care...hope you're feeling better.

  2. Hi Kim. Just stopping by to say hi. Sorry I haven't been around but I haven't forgotten you. Just been so busy with things. Here at home and elsewhere have been a lot to do. Sound like you got help when you were sick, glad you did. Hope you are better now. Take care, just wanted to let you know that I still remember your blog.

  3. Hi Georgina! Thanks for stopping by. Unfortunately, my grandmother passed away recently.

    But all is well.

    I will let you know how Blazing Saddle goes. I watched Silver Streak, but didn't get that many laughs out of it this week, so I am looking forward to Blazing Saddle.

    Take care!

  4. Hi Gloria!! How wonderful to see you. No worries. I understand how busy you have been!! I also come by and visit your blog.

    Take care and be well!!



Thanks for stopping by! I love when you visit me and I especially love it when you write me.