
October 22, 2011

halloween party

Welcome! I am so glad you could make it on this cool and windy beautiful fall night!! As you can see we have all been awaiting for your arrival.

Before you arrived I consulted with my crystal ball and called upon Aradia to tell me what the night had in store for us.

She indicated that we will have an enchanting night ahead with plenty of sweets and plenty of Halloween scares! We will be calling upon her later tonight.

In the meantime as we wait for the witching hour, I conjured up some delights to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Care for some sweets?

Oh look! It's our friend the crow. He wants to join in our festivities! Who knew crows love chocolate? You can only have a few Mr. Crow.

Let's sit at our table and catch up. I haven't seen you in a while. It's so wonderful to finally see you again!!

Where has the time gone? It's been so lovely catching up over our sweet treats, but we now must prepare for the witching hour!! Let's head over to our witchy alter to get our book of charms and spells so that we can call upon our sister witches.

We need a few spiders that sit under bright moonlight for this spell.

Let me grab a few more black spiders from here too.

Hold your candles.

Under the moonlight on this cool and dark night let's light our candles and together let's chant. We have come together on this night to call upon our sisters. This spell calls for me to hold the skull of Aradia.

Out of night 

Shines the grass
Flesh lacking blood
Bone lacking flesh
Spirit lacking bone
Arise and be fed

Arise to bone and flesh and blood
This night renewed by mortal food

And we will need our friend the crow to help us with our spell.

Let me pick him up, so that he can join us under the moon outside.

The presence in this room

Denies both time and tomb
Return to us Aradia, Sky, and Helga

We call to you

Yes, that's it. Here comes Aradia, Sky, and Helga. Can you see them stand next to me?

We live again

And we are fair!
The moon has risen
Here to bear

Here Aradia walks once again on this one night of festivities.

Thank you so much for your help. I wouldn't have been able to make this happen without you and your help fellow sisters of the night.

Thank you for coming to this year's witching party. We have done what we have been called upon to do and Aradia will now be able to dance the night away!

Now that you have had your Halloween fun with me don't forget you have so many parties to attend. Click on the banner below to visit Vanessa's Halloween party!

October 18, 2011

How to make Ghost Pops

When I was a little girl my mom and I would make these cute little ghosts so I could bring them to my friends in school for Halloween and I still make them every Halloween!!

Here is how to make your very own ghost pops.

I pre-cut a few pieces of ribbon all the same length (about 9-10 inches long).

Fold the tissue paper in half because it is a little thin. You can use paper towel, napkins or white fabric and place the tissue paper over the lollipop.

Hold the base of the lollipop and tie the ribbon around it and make a bow.

Once you make a few of them use a marker to draw the ghost's face. I draw two black dots for the ghost's eyes and you can also make one for his little mouth.

The little ghost troop is complete and ready to hand out to friends and loved ones!!!

I put them in baskets, small square glass vases, or in small boxes.

If you make these ghost pops please send me some images or post a link to your blog post, because I would love to see them! 


October 15, 2011

How to make Halloween Banners

I have been getting ready for our Halloween festivites happening on October 22nd. I hope you can join me all you have to do is visit my blog on October 22nd.
I can't have a party without some hanging banners.

All you need is paper, a printer or a marker to write out letters, a hole puncher, ribbon, and scissors.

I simply opened a Word Document and printed the words Halloween and Boo. I increased the font to about 200pt and had about 6 letters on each sheet. You can make them much bigger, depending how large you want the banner, I have made banners with large letters by putting a letter on each page.

Next, cut out each letter into squares and using the hole puncher, punch two holes on each side.


Next, using ribbon push it through the first hole and back down the second hole.

Continue to do this for each letter.

Using the bats I made out of felt in this post, I hung banner up.


October 14, 2011

weekly gratitude

We all have something to be grateful for. There are days that might test this, or might even make us temporarily forget it. But search and you will find that there are positive things that happened to you today day and this week.

I was inspired to start a Weekly Gratitude by a fellow blogger and I was excited to do this because it was positive and we all need positive energy in our lives. I strongly believe in keeping positive people and energy in your lives and I do my best to only surround myself with it.

Everyday when I wake up I am grateful to live another day, to hear my loved ones, to see how they are doing, to see the smiles on their faces. I am grateful for my art and my hands to allow me to create it, I am grateful for Yanni and all the wisdom he bestows upon me, his adoring humor, and how wonderful he treats me everyday. I am grateful for many things in life and this Weekly Gratitude that I do makes me highlight these positive events, because it's easy to forget that wonderful things that we experience everyday and every week.

This week was a calm week. Yanni and I had a great time picking our pumpkins last week and we wanted to carve them. Yanni never carved one before and I hadn't since I was a child, so we decided to start a little tradition and carve our little pumpkin, in this case a big pumpkin, together. He came out pretty cute!

- So, I want to thank our pumpkin carver kit because it helped making pumpkin carving much easier. I didn't think the pumpkin scooper it came with would do much, but it scooped everything out. I am sure a spoon might have done the trick too ;)

- Thank you big pumpkin because you provided us beautiful pumpkin seeds and we washed them up, dressed them with garlic, pepper, a bit of salt, and put them in the oven and they came out delicious.

- Thank you to the cute boutique I found, Olive's Armoire. Not only is the owner super friendly, but she has such great finds!! I found the cutest ruffle vest that I can't wait to wear and it was a steal!!
- Thank you sweet lady I bumped into at lunch who yelled out loud how much you loved my style. Sure I turned bright red, but it was really sweet that you thought I had some and it made my day!

-Thank you Tatiana for inspiring me and motivating me to start Weekly Gratitude. I am so sad to see you leave the blog world. I enjoyed peaking into your cheerful world once in a while and it always put a smile on my face with how positive and sweet you are.

Enjoy your weekend and remember think positive and reflect on all the highs you experienced this week.