
November 28, 2011

christmas cookies peanut butter blossoms

I just had to bake these cookies from Baker Girl. There is just something about peanut butter cookies with hershey kisses that remind me of the holidays.
These are really easy to make and on a few of them I pressed in peanut butter cups.

What are your favorite holiday cookies?

November 25, 2011

Black Friday

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday!! And are recovering from the amount of food you ate!

On this Friday morning I am starting a Black Friday sale on my shop until Monday at 11:59 PM

Receive 10% off your order and receive a gift using the following coupon code:

Coupon Code: BLACKFRIDAY2011

November 21, 2011

DIY - Holiday Letters with Yarn

I was inspired by this quick and easy Do It Yourself (DIY) from here and was inspired to use this idea to make holiday inspired letters or words.

All you need is yarn and pipe cleaners.
 You can twist the ends together or twist two together to make them wider. 

I made one long line of pipe cleaners and then I simply twisted yarn around the pipe cleaners.

My original idea was to make it with red and white yarn, but I ran out of red yarn. What's great about this project is that you can just use any left over yarn you have. 

Have a joyful day!!

November 16, 2011

New in Shop: Christmas Gift Tags

I have been working on Christmas tags. Here are a few I have been working on. I am still making some new ones with snowmans, christmas trees and other cute and fun ones for my Peachy Cheek shop.

Thanks for stopping by!

November 14, 2011

sugar skull nutcrackers

I have been missing for a bit from the blog world, but I have been visiting you and your lovely blogs! During my spare time I have been working on many different things, such as new Christmas gift tags, which I am currently listing in the shop, new ceramic and wooden ornaments, the mini sugar skull nutcrackers, and these extra large Nutcrackers.

I have never seen day of the dead nutcrackers before and I just had to make them. These skeleton men stand about 15 inches tall and their arms and legs move. I decorated one as Frida and the other one as a regular sugar skull.

In addition to painting and crafting, I have been cooking and baking lots!! I hope to post photos soon! I have had this overwhelming feeling to bake. It must be this cold weather and my holiday spirit. I have been looking for different cookies recipes online and have literally been baking a new one every night!

These are some of my favorite ones recently:

If you have any cookie recipes let me know, I would love to try it!!

November 10, 2011

Sugar Skull Nutcrackers and Ornaments

I am really excited to finally be able to show you guys the other little holidays items I have been working on for my shop. These little men and women (they measure 4 inches tall!) are multi-taskers!

They can hold photos, name cards, my calendars and can be used as Christmas Tree decorations.


And naturally, I had to make a little Frida one too wearing a flower on her hair.

November 6, 2011

Christmas decorating and Sugar Skull ornaments

It might be a little early for some, but not for me, while most people wait until after Thanksgiving to decorate for the holidays, I do it right after Dia de los Muertos. This weekend I have been putting up my Christmas decorations. It makes me happy, puts me in the holiday spirit, and I get to spend more time enjoying them.

This year I am decorating the entire house with red and white decorations. I found these snowflakes for a great deal at Target. Only $1.00 for 4 of them, so I bought quite a few packs to not only put on the tree, but to also hang around the house. I also love to decorate the house with pinecones. These pinecones smell like cinnamon and I put them in my tree. This year I am going to paint some of them white. Stay tuned for some Christmas decor How To posts.

I have also been working on sugar skull ornaments. Below you will find just a few of them, but I have a little troop on the way. You can find them being listed in the shop daily:
Click here to visit my Etsy shop

Thanks for stopping by!
Stay tuned for photos of more ornaments, other sugar skull and frida inspired holiday decorations coming to my shop, and stay tuned for my next post on painting pinecones.