
December 31, 2011

what's for breakfast - spinach and mushroom omelet

This weekend I craved spinach and mushroom omelets, which I made with egg whites, onions, spinach, mushrooms, and a blend of cheeses.

Happy Weekend!!

December 16, 2011

Painted Pine Cones

I love decorating the house with pine cones for the Christmas holidays.

I place them in the Christmas tree, make mini Christmas trees out of them, I place them in bowls on tables all over the house, and I also use them as table settings.

photo from country living

Today I will be showing you how I painted white "snow" on my pine cones and how they look after I painted a few in gold. You can also use green paint to paint the entire pine cone green to make mini Christmas trees.

You can paint the entire pinecone white, but I like to just paint the edges with "snow"

And on a few I wrap red bows, you can hang them from the tree this way.

I also paint some of them gold, and I use the gold painted ones as table settings and as decorations for wrapped presents.


All photos by me, unless noted otherwise.

December 12, 2011

homemade pop tarts

This weekend I wanted to make a new breakfast treat. I love my Sunday pancakes, but this weekend I made Pop tarts using this recipe from Smitten Kitchen, and I am smitten with her recipes and these pop tarts. Okay, so they don't look as lovely as hers, but they tasted delicious! 

I made them with a cinnamon filling.

And with the left over trimmings I made these little cinnamon swirls. They are a sweet treat, but they will make a yummy dessert. Simply add a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top of the swirls and add some fudge on top! Enjoy!!

December 5, 2011

Making Holiday cards using Paper and Felt

Every year we make our own greeting cards and they are usually the standard photo card with different photos of the both of us throughout the past year.

This year we wanted to create handmade holiday cards for our friends and family.  I also am including fun little sayings and Christmas song lyrics to the front of the cards.

Materials you need:
Eco-friendly Felt in a variety of holiday colors.
Paper (I used card stock)
Glue (Elmer's or hot glue)

I picked out white, red, green, and mustard yellow felt to make my holiday cards. These four colors gave me a lot of variety to create Christmas imagery. And the mister helped me come up with design ideas. We made a list of things we associated with Christmas, like ornaments, trees, and snowmen.
      The four colors of felt created all of the Christmas images we wanted and we could probably make more.
      This is a great little project for kids to help with because they can think of Christmas imagery.

      The first piece I made is a snow man. I usually just do without an outline and cut the shapes out, but for the snowman I outlined a few different size circles.

      Cut the orange felt for the carrot nose!

      And I am also making some reindeers and I had to give them large red noses!

      I also made a holiday wreath.

      And I made a few mistle toes.

      Happy Holidays!

      November 28, 2011

      christmas cookies peanut butter blossoms

      I just had to bake these cookies from Baker Girl. There is just something about peanut butter cookies with hershey kisses that remind me of the holidays.
      These are really easy to make and on a few of them I pressed in peanut butter cups.

      What are your favorite holiday cookies?

      November 25, 2011

      Black Friday

      I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving yesterday!! And are recovering from the amount of food you ate!

      On this Friday morning I am starting a Black Friday sale on my shop until Monday at 11:59 PM

      Receive 10% off your order and receive a gift using the following coupon code:

      Coupon Code: BLACKFRIDAY2011

      November 21, 2011

      DIY - Holiday Letters with Yarn

      I was inspired by this quick and easy Do It Yourself (DIY) from here and was inspired to use this idea to make holiday inspired letters or words.

      All you need is yarn and pipe cleaners.
       You can twist the ends together or twist two together to make them wider. 

      I made one long line of pipe cleaners and then I simply twisted yarn around the pipe cleaners.

      My original idea was to make it with red and white yarn, but I ran out of red yarn. What's great about this project is that you can just use any left over yarn you have. 

      Have a joyful day!!