
January 15, 2012

weekend recap - pancakes and jewels

This weekend was relaxing and productive all at the same time. Don't you just love weekends like that?

We got to see some friends, went to a great hockey game, and over the weekend we got some things done around the house.

We were in the mood for some chocolate chip pancakes and nothing starts a lazy weekend morning better then chocolate chip pancakes and tall glass of milk.

So, I made some whole wheat chocolate chip pancakes. I opted for whole wheat flour instead of white flour and they tasted great and they are much better for us. I use this flour for whole wheat chocolate chip cookies too, and I taste no difference! Really!

I also created some new pieces for my Black Feather jewelry line. This line has been so much fun and its been keeping me busy, I keep thinking of new ideas.

What's great about many of the pieces I am making is that I am able to incorporate my art, culture and I can still use inspirations from Dia de los Muertos. I am loving these skull beads, which I am using as charms for bracelets, necklaces and earrings.

This weekend, the weather looked gorgeous, but it was freezing, so we stayed in most of it and ate burgers and watched some action movies.

I hope your enjoying this beautiful weekend!!


  1. I love your's wonderful. I have a huge collection of Navajo and Zuni jewelry which I've collected throughout my adult life. Now with the cost of silver being ridiculously outrageous, I'm glad I have what I have, but I still would love more!! LOL

    I love those little skulls too. Your pancakes look delish...need to make some for my fam. Have a great week.


  2. I love these earrings! The red ones are fabulous!

  3. Hi Georgina! Thanks for stopping by and for the sweet compliements! I adore native american jewelry. I have always admired it and have been drawn to it. I would love to see your collection! Take care!!

  4. Hi Magaly!!! How have you been?!! Thank you! I am so glad to hear you like them!

  5. You are so talented. I love, love the earrings! Oh and the chocolate looks soo amazing. YUM!


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