
November 15, 2012

what i've been reading

I just finished these 6 books in the last month or so. I love reading, but I don't know if I have ever read these many books in such as short period of time.

I finished "With Love and Laughter, John Ritter" in about 1 1/2 days. I finished Gene Wilder's Kiss Me like a Stranger in just about 3-4 days. I loved each one of these books for so many reasons, they are all so different, unique and beautiful in their own right, their honesty is very apparent, and each of them with the help of an editor or not, are excellent writers, that kept me engaged and I couldn't put these books down.

In addition to all of them being wonderful writers, they all possess an amazing amount of strength, optimism, and courage.

First They Killed My Father, written by Loung Ung. Loung Ung describes, in the most delicate details, her life as a very young child, her days of happiness, play, and love for her family, and father, until it all changes and she lives a life no child, or anyone for that matter, should ever have to endure. A life of hunger, slavery, and to witness unnecessary and unjust murders of friends, her family, and many others. While the book is emotional, reading about Loung Ung and her courage was inspiring and the history of her country is one we should all know about it.

If You Ask Me (And of Course You Wont), written by Betty White, is a very sweet, short and quick book to read. Betty shares stories about her life. If your a fan, and I am, I love Golden Girls, then you have to read it.

Lucky Man, written by Michael J. Fox. I have always liked Michael J. Fox, who doesn't. He's the sweet kid and man we watched on TV and who could forget the Back to the Future movie series.

Mike shares with us stories about his childhood in Canada, how he got into acting at a young age,  how he found out he has Parkinsons, and how his life and how he lived it greatly changed. He is wonderfully honest and funny. I am just starting to read his second book, which is written 10 years after "Lucky Man: Always Looking Up. The Adventures of an Incurable Optimist".

Resilience, written by Elizabeth Edwards, is an inspiring book and look into the life of Elizabeth Edwards. We take a look into her childhood, we hear and feel the pain of the loss of her young son, the cancer that eventually took her life, and others things she went through in life. Very courageous and inspiring. Even if you don't agree with her politics, she was a strong and brave mother and woman, who loved her family and lived through heartaches. It's a book we can all relate to.

With Love and Laughter, John Ritter, written by Amy Yasbeck. I enjoyed this book so much, because I was and am a big John Ritter fan. Oh, everytime I see John Ritter playing Jack in Three's Company or the many many funny movies he was in, I forget for a moment he is gone, and just enjoy watching him and his natural comedic talent.

The book is written almost like John wrote it himself, because Amy quotes him so much, she really was able to capture his warmth, love, and his wonderful sense of humor. The book makes me love him and miss him even more. She takes us back to his childhood and all the stories he shared with her about his family, his father, Tex Ritter (actor, musician), their lives together, funny stories along the way, and then to the tragic day when he past away.

Kiss Me Like a Stranger, written by Gene Wilder.  I love Gene,  like Michael J. Fox and John Ritter, they exude this likeable/loveable person who we all just love seeing on the screen. You can't help but love them. And for them to share a bit of themselves with us is such a treat. I have enjoyed so many of his movies; Young Frankenstein, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factor, Blazing Saddles, and the list goes one.

Gene is so funny and honest, sometimes a little too open, but I got to see another side of him, and that I, naturally, did not know of, not just a a brilliant actor, but as a wonderfully sweet, curious, and intresting man. And I found out that he doesn't live too far from me. Hmmm...road trip anyone?

Are you reading any good books? If so, let me know. I am always looking for a good book to read.

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