
November 1, 2012

happy day of the dead

Today we celebrate the life of those who we know and loved that have past on from this life to the next. Losing a loved one is one of the hardest things we will have to endure. We might question why life can be so cruel, when the ones we have are the reasons why we live and go on. Snd when they are gone we forget the reasons why we should even go on.  But there are so many reasons why we should.

This day should not be a day of sadness, of mourning, but a day to remember and cherish memories of our loved ones. And to serve as a reminder to the living how much we need to cherish life, how much we need to be grateful for the life we get to live every day.

Even when there are obstacles in life that we go through, and we all go through them, we must continue to persevere, and remember that each day really is a gift. 

Life is a gift to me every day - To be able to wake up every morning, to breathe the fresh air, to feel the sun another day, and to see the moon light another night, to laugh, to smile, to dream, to make goals, make goals reality, to make others happy, to bake, to read, to learn, to hear music, to play music, to paint, to help..and the list goes on.
We all have reasons to live and to love life. When we find the reasons and live them, we should turn to others and see what can we do make ourselves happier, but also help make others happier. 

Lets be nice to each other, let's bring a smile to someone's face. A small hello, an open door, a compliment, anything, so that we can all make the time we have here a better one.

Cherish yourself, your family, and your life. Learn every day, make your self smile every day, do something every day, make each day count, for you might not have tomorrow to get another chance to.

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