
May 19, 2013

weekend recap

The house is filled with fiesta decor as I plan and decorate for the birthday boy, okay, so he is not a boy, he is a full grown man, but saying birthday man sounds a bit strange.
I have been a wee bit obsessed with cactus and succulents lately. I don't have a green thumb, and unfortunately plants don't make it very long around me, so I have faith that I can keep up the maintenance needed for cactus survival. Plus, these are going to be great for the fiesta.
 Cheesy Spinach Omelet. I have taken a mini break from Sunday pancakes, and now I am on a omelet kick.
 Handmade more pinatas, this little guy will be a decoration and not for candy stuffing and stick beating.
 Put some more decorations up for the birthday 'boy's' fiesta.
I worked on one of a kind necklaces over the weekend, that I will be adding to the Black Feather Shop soon.

And, I took a stab at making some crab cakes. I will be sharing a how to soon!
Enjoy! Have a beautiful week! And remember, to be kind to one and other.

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