
June 19, 2013

home made pizza

It's hard to find a good pizza place around me. We have so many, and we have tried so many, but none seem to fit what we are looking for. The sauce is to sweet, too much sauce, not enough cheese, the dough isn't tasty, too thin, too thick...So last night when I had no idea what to make, and I looked at what we had in the fridge, pizza came into my mind.

I grabbed two pita pockets and spread tomato sauce on them both, leave the edges alone.

Then, I added shredded cheese, I had a mix of shredded cheese and then added fresh peppers and onions and I had some grilled chicken pieces from the night before that I started shredding as a topping.

I put it in the oven at 375 and cooked it for about 12-15 minutes, until the bread was toasted and the cheese was melted.

It was one of the best pizza I ever had, it tasted so fresh. This is definitely something I am going to do  with leftovers and when I need something quick to make for dinner.


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