
October 15, 2013

early morning chocolate chip waffles

Early this morning I opened the window curtains and looked outside to see orange and red leaves hanging off the trees. The sky was the brightest of blues.  I opened the windows and let the air flow in and touch my face. The air outside was fresh, crisp and cool. It was a beautiful way to wake up in the morning. I tied on my emerald green robe and slipped on my cozy slippers and shimmied over into the kitchen and I gathered a few items in my arms and piled them on the counter.

1/3 cups of flour, 4 teaspoons of baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 egg whites, 1/3 cup of melted unsalted butter, and 1 3/4 cups of milk.

I combined all the ingredients.

And sprinkled a hand (or maybe two or three..who's counting...) of chocolate chips. Blueberries,
bananas, and strawberries always are yummy too.

I warmed up my waffle maker and lightly brushed it with left over melted butter. I poured the batter into the center of the waffle maker and spread it lightly until it was even.

My waffle maker takes about 5 minutes and the largest, most crisp, and moist waffles comes out to feed a small army. 

I highly recommend you make these waffles on an early weekday morning. It doesn't take much time at all. Don't wait until the weekend to enjoy a yummy breakfast.

Have a beautiful week!

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