
January 30, 2014

valentine day cookies

Who says gingerbread is only for Christmas. I love gingerbread and this recipe is perfect for soft yummy cookies. I bought these awesome heart shaped cookie cutters and they came in a variety of sizes. I adore the mini heart cookie cutter.

I used my favorite gingerbread cookie recipe, the same I used for some other recent favorites like the skeleton gingerbread men I made for Halloween. I made the dough and refrigerated it and then after the dough chilled for about 2-3 hours we had some fun cutting out the cookies.

After we cut out the cookies, we placed them in the oven for about 8-10 minutes.

I used the Wilton Icing Pens to decorate the cookies once they cooled off.

Have a sweet Valentine's Day.

Yours truly,


January 27, 2014

lemon poppy seed and blueberry pancakes

I wanted to break away from my weekend pancake favorites which usually entail my blueberry or chocolate chip. I stumpled upon this recipe. I love lemon poppy seed muffins, so I just had to create lemon poppy seed pancakes and I threw some blueberries in there because you can never have too many blueberries.
These are so easy to make.  Mix together 1 cup of all-purpose flour, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 teaspoons of poppy seeds, and 1 teaspoon lemon zest until well combined.

In a separate bowl stir in 3/4 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice together in a bowl. If you don't have vinegar, just put another tablespoon of lemon juice. Let stand 10 minutes to curdle. Whisk in 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of butter, and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Next, pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture and whisk a few times until the batter is combined. You want to make sure there are some lumps in the mix.

Heat a skillet over medium heat and lighlty brush a little butter or olive oil. Pour 1/4 cup of batter per pancake into the skillet and cook until bubbles appear on the surface, about 2 minutes. Flip the pancakes over with a spatula and brown the other side, about 2 more minutes.

Just looking at these pictures I took over the weekend is making me crave these again. So light and fluffy.


Yours truly,


January 25, 2014

new at black feather

I have been hard at work making new pieces for our spring 2014 line. Lots of crystals, arrowheads, and druzy rings, necklaces and bracelets. I am especially loving the black obsidian arrowheads that are handcarved.

Most of these are now available at Black Feather:

Now until February 10 use the following coupon code to save 15% off anything in the shop: love15

January 11, 2014

skull pancakes

For Christmas my brother gave me exactly what I wanted and he didn't even know it. When I eyed these Halloween skull pancake molds at William Sonoma I knew I just had to have these. On Christmas morning when I opened his gifts I was so thrilled to see these. He had no idea that I wanted them. My brother knows me so well. I couldn't wait to use them.

The package comes with three very large different skull molds, I didn't use third mold, which is a side-facing skull. I decided to make the two front facing skulls. These molds are so easy to use. Simply heat your pancake griddle, I brushed some butter on the pan and on the inside of the molds.

Next, I poured my homemade pancake batter into the molds. Once the batter develops tiny bubbles it's time to remove the molds using the small handles on them and I simply flipped them over and waited for about a minute and they were all done.

These came out so cute and they were delicious with my favorite agave syrup. For a pancake enthusiast, like myself, this was such an awesome gift. I am loving these.

It's got me thinking and now I am eyeing a few more pancake molds, like hearts and stars. My pancakes will never again be boring round circles. William Sonoma also has these cute Halloween themed pancake molds too.

Thanks for stopping by.

Have a beautiful week!

Yours truly,


January 8, 2014


This past week I celebrated the anniversary of my birth many moons ago. It falls on Three King's Day.

My birthday was a wonderful day filled of morning pancakes, spaghetti and meatballs from my favorite italian restaurant, pink roses, some of my favorite chocolates, beautiful red roses sent in from my mom, chocolate cake, and more sweets.

Many people create their New Year resolutions on January 1st. I begin setting my resolutions on my birthday. My birthday allows for me to reflect back on my year. Throughout the year I work towards goals I want to achieve, like completing my masters, learning new chords on the guitar, training in Taekwondo and earning advance belts, and many other self enriching goals.

I think it's important that we never stop trying to make ourselves better people. We are given that opportunity each and everyday we awake. Everyday I want to wake up and be a better person than I was yesterday. Have you ever heard the quote, "Today, I am the youngest I will ever be and the oldest I have ever been." Every time I hear it, a little wheel turns in my mind. It makes me think in the moment and only in this very moment. We have come so far and have learned so much. We are wiser now then we ever have been and we will only get wiser. Live in the now and make sure that you enjoy every moment. Sometimes we face challenges and sometimes we might take a few steps backward, but tomorrow when you wake up try and take a step forward.

Have a beautiful week!

Yours truly,

January 6, 2014

raw amethyst

I am going through an amethyst phase right now, but it just might not be a phase, I can see this as a start of a beautiful relationship.  I am loving these gorgeous amethyst and bronze lamps and the amethyst bookends from They are both one of a kind vintage pieces.

Not only is amethyst beautiful to look at, but I am amazed by their natural properties. I admire stones as beautiful as these because it never ceases to amaze me that so much beauty comes naturally from our earth. Additionally, amethyst works to purify any space of negative vibrations. It calms and cools excessive emotions, and eases the transition to a more meditative state by clearing the mind. On a physical level, amethyst is said to strengthen the immune system.

I've been so inspired by these beauties. I have been making raw amethyst rings for my Black Feather Shop. These are now available in the Black Feather Shop: and on my website:

January 5, 2014

what's for breakfast - sunday

On Sunday I made an all egg white omelet. These are so easy to make. I use "All Whites" which is a carton of egg whites. Check out how I make spinach omelets here. If I don't have fresh spinach I use frozen spinach. I always have mozzarella cheese sticks in the fridge for snacks, so I shred one and put over the spinach.

I also made some yummy applewood chicken sausages. This was a great tasting breakfast and packed a lot of protein. Just what my brother, an athletic trainer, ordered me to start eating more of. I noticed that my diet mostly consisted of carbs. What can I say I love pasta and bread and could live off of it, but in reality I am working on more balanced meals. Every meal I have must contain veggies or fruits, carbs, and protein. And, I have noticed such a difference in my energy levels since eating more protein.

Have a beautiful week!

January 3, 2014

holiday recap

These are just a few of the photos I took on Christmas morning. We had so many sweet treats to indulge in like gingerbread men, cakes, cupcakes, and mini little cookies my sister gave us in a basket in little bags and toppers from her shop. It was a beautiful day with family and I got so many little thoughtful gifts that I am enjoying and using. It really is true though, as you get older it's so much better to give then receive.
Happy New Year!