
August 18, 2014

beef and bean burritos

Making burritos is one of the easiest and yummiest meals to make. Usually, I have Taco Tuesday and the next day for lunch or dinner I use the leftovers to make easy burritos.

First, warm up your tortilla. In this case I simply used a tomato and basil wrap. I warm up both sides on medium to low heat for just a few seconds on each side. Enough to make it soft.

Next, I spread some refried beans, I also love using crushed black beans. Whatever you have in the cabinet.

I add any other toppings, such as my left overs from Taco Tuesday, in this case I had my grounded turkey with tomatoes and onions. I will occasionally add black beans, corn, and anything else I had from the night before.

Next I fold the tortilla into a burrito. The easiest way is to  fold the bottom just a little bit and then fold the left side over (like folding a shirt) and then the right flap and then I turn it over.

Next, spread some tomato or taco sauce over the wrap.

Add grated or shredded cheese and then put in the microwave on a microwave safe plate for about 30 seconds, or until the cheese melts.

It ain't pretty, but it sure is delicious. It's really easy to make and a great way to use leftovers.

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