
February 17, 2015

Fruit and Vegetable Juice Pulp Muffins

For Christmas Yanni got me a juicer and I have been obsessed with it, juicing everything I can. When you Juice, you have pulp from the vegetables and fruit. You can do so much with the pulp, like make smoothies, popsicles, and how about muffins?

3 cups of any fruit or vegetable pulp. I used pineapple, kale, and oranges.
1 cup olive oil
1/2 cup of greek yogurt
3 eggs
1 cup of honey
3 cups of whole grain flour
1 tbsp baking soda
1 tsp of cinnamon

I used pineapple, kale, and oranges and put them in the juicer for a few cups of juice.

Next, I mixed the pulp with some yogurt.

Add the 1 cup of honey.

I used 2 eggs and 1 egg whites and mixed it. Next, add 1 cup of olive oil.

Add 3 cups of flour. I add one cup at a time and combine it well.

Pour into greased muffin tins. Bake for about 25 minutes at 350 degrees or until golden brown. Place a toothpick or knife through middle and if it comes out clear they are ready.

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