
March 13, 2015

Going Green for Natural Personal Care

I have made quite a few changes in my life. A few years ago I made a goal to lose weight for various reasons, the number one reason: my health. I was in my late 20's feeling like I was in 110 year old body. My back hurt and my knees hurt. It wasn't a good way for me to live. I started my weight lost journey around 2012 and since then I have lost 40 pounds.

Another change I made was changing my personal care products to natural ones. My goal was that my daily activities should not impact our environment. Thanks to people like Jessica Alba, the co-founder of the Honest Company, it is getting so easy to make the switch.

I thought I could share just a few of the small changes I made to my personal care and how I made a change to natural and environmentally friendly items.

There are a number of natural toothpastes available, some of my favorites are: Tom's of Maine and Jack N' Jill. I am currently using Tom's of Maine Whole Care Toothpaste. When I first used it after using regular toothpaste all my life I felt like it wasn't "minty" enough. I didn't feel a strong tingle in my mouth like I usually used to feel and I felt like it wasn't cleaning my teeth enough.

After about a week of using it I felt that feeling. My mind and mouth had gotten so use to the strong and artificial mint flavor of other toothpastes that I didn't know how to react to real mint. So sad.

I love using it now and once in a very blue moon if I am traveling or run out of toothpaste and have no choice but to use "regular" toothpaste my teeth hurt because of the artificial sweeteners and it overpowering taste and chemicals.

This is a good article describing what is found in some toothpastes and recommendations for natural ones.

I have tried quite a few natural deodorants and one of the best I have tried is from Soapwalla on Etsy. Both men and women can use this one. Deodorant is something many of us wear every single day and just thinking about the chemicals I had continued to use and absorb into my skin made me worry. I did lots of research and tried quite a few natural deodorants, and Soapwalla was one of my favorites. It does take a bit of time to get used to. It comes in a jar and it is cream based, that you apply with your fingers. Also, this doesn't keep you from sweating, but it helps absorb moisture and helps you feel fresh.

Hand and Body Soap
Dr. Bronner's bar soaps contain no fragrance and made of organic and natural materials. They are also wrapped in 10% hemp-flax and 90% post consumer recycled paper.

Shampoo and Conditioner 
The Honest company has a lot of great products for babies, children, and moms. It's great to be able to pick up some products and know that they don't contain anything harmful. Sometimes I get tired of reading every ingredient in every item I buy, but I have to because I just can't trust it, but I can when I use any product from The Honest Company.

Did you know it takes hundreds and thousands of years for plastic toothbrushes to decompose.

There are a few brands offering organic and biodegradable toothbrushes, like Woo Bamboo Sprouts for children.

The Xlear Spry Bamboo Toothbrush is made from organically grown bamboo, it's recyclable, and biodegradable.

Tooth floss
First, if you use the tooth floss picks, please stop using them now. I know they are convenient, but they are damaging our planet in more ways than you can imagine. First, they have a plastic base which takes years for it to decompose, if ever. These bits of plastic end up in our wastelands and eaten by birds.

Radius tooth floss is made of all natural fibers, silk and coated in candelilla wax. The nylon fibers in regular floss does not break down, but this floss is biodegradable. The plastic container is  #5 recyclable code and the cardboard packaging is 100% recyclable.

I am addicted to hand sanitizer and I am constantly washing my hands. After a day of working on my computer and I wash my hands they are filthy, even if I have just been typing all day, it's scary. I love using Cleanwell Natural Hand Sanitizing Wipes. They are alcohol free, kid safe, biodegradable, and made with thyme oil, aloe vera, and other natural and plant-based ingredients. 

Making these changes isn't difficult to do, especially now that you know a few products that you can replace and they are easily accessible too. Many of these products are available online, at Target, and your pharmacy. They might take some adjustments, but overtime you will get used to these new products and overtime they will benefit you and our environment.


  1. I love Dr. Bronner soap. My favorite is lavender. They smell so good. Never heard if it before but saw them at Amercian Apparel and tried it and now I am addicted.

  2. Hi Ashley, Thanks for stopping by. I know what you mean :) I will try the lavender next. Thanks!!


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