
July 4, 2015

Fourth of July Keylime Pie

One of my favorite pies to make is a keylime pie in the summer. For this beautiful Fourth of July weekend I made a natural and organic keylime pie with some some whipped cream and fresh strawberries and blueberries to give my pie a little red, white and blue.

All your need is:

6 Organic limes
1 Can (14 oz) of Organic Unsweetened Condensed Milk (low fat)
1 Organic and Natural Graham Cracker Crust
3 Egg Yolks
1/2 cup of Organic Shredded Coconut
1 cup of organic strawberries and blueberries

You can follow my step by step recipe here.

Pour the condensed milk in a medium bowl, add the egg yolks and mix with a fork, and add the lime juice from the limes. Lastly, add the shredded coconut. Pour the filing in the pie. Put the pie in the over at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Allow the pie to complete cool and then put the pie in the fridge until it is completely cold. Once it cold add the fresh whipped cream, sprinkle coconut on top, and add fresh blue berries and strawberries.

Have a wonderful and peaceful Fourth of July weekend. And enjoy this sweet treat after some yummy grilling.

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