
August 20, 2015

Black Belt Test Day List

In June I accomplished a goal I had set for many years and that was getting my first degree Black Belt in Taekwondo. I can't wait to share some photos of the special day.

In the meantime I wanted to share some things I recommend on doing, wearing, and bringing with you if you are preparing for your own Black Belt.

What to eat that morning (a few ideas):
  1. Two eggs and slice of toast
  2. Plain yogurt with fresh strawberries
  3.  Protein bar
The morning of my test I had planned making a light egg white omelet and a Strawberry and Banana smoothie with Spinach, but I woke up with some butterflies in my stomach and had no appetite. I forced myself to take a few bites of the protein bar. I am loving these Thin Bars (which have 20 grams of protein).

And hydrate yourself with plenty of water.

What to wear:
  1. Sports bra (sometimes I wear two)
  2. Sports tank under uniform, must be tucked in if you wear one
  3. Your uniform, clean and pressed
  4. Hair - Put in low pony tail or braid (can't wear high pony or bun because you need to put a sparring helmet on)
  5. Optional TKD shoes with socks (I prefer being barefoot, but some people prefer putting shoes on during foot board breaking)
  6. Sparring equipment (mouth guard, helmet, shin/feet/arm guards, and chest guard)

List of items to bring with you:
  1. Water bottle
  2. Protein bar
  3. Band-aids and other first aid kit items (sports tape, neosporin)
  4. Hair elastics and/or head band
  5. Small towel
  6. Wipes (baby wipes)
  7. Sandals (comfortable flip flops)
  8. Extra t-shirt
Make sure a family member or friend is there with a camera or video camera, it's an important day and you are going to want pictures.

And most importantly, breathe in and breathe out and be confident.  Nerves are completely normal, but know that you are ready for this. You have been training, practicing, and you would only be asked to test if your Master and/or Instructor knew you were ready. 

1 comment:

  1. I didnt know you did teakwondo! Thats so awesome. congrats ans looking forward to the photos you will be sharing from your test!!


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