
February 13, 2016

Heart Shaped Butter

Have you ever heard the saying "Everything tastes better with butter", well I have to agree, but maybe not everything, I mean I wouldn't add it to my smoothie or spaghetti and meatballs, but butter does have a way of making certain foods richer, like I add it (in moderation of course) to my waffles and pancakes, and mashed potatoes, and baked potatoes. 

To celebrate Valentine's I made a whole plate of heart-shaped butter. They are super easy to make. 

All you need is:
  • A cold and firm Stick of Butter
  • A Mini Heart Shaped Cookie cutter

 Next, slice the butter into squares, lay them on a piece of parchment.

 Next press the mini heart shaped cookie butter into the square slices.

That's it!! I told you it was super easy, now you can add it to any dish and make it look lovely.

Happy Valentine's weekend!!

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