
September 6, 2011

greek festival and labor day weekend

This weekend my mom came for a visit! I love when my mom comes for a visit. I miss not being able to see her everyday. I talk to her multiple times a day, but seeing her and being with her means so much to me.

We took her to the Greek Festival. Every year we go to the Labor Day weekend Greek Festival and it is so much fun. There is so much yummy food like gyros, souvlaki and spanakopita and my favorite loukoumades.

After the festival Yanni surprised each of us with a little gift he bought there. He bought my mom a bracelet and me this ring to replace the turqouise ring I lost :(

Yanni and I returned to the Greek Festival the next day because we had so much fun. We ate gyros, listened to the live music and ate some loukoumades.

We bought some fresh fruits and veggies like tomatoes and peppers and on Monday, we had ourselves a little BBQ. He made corn, chicken kabobs, and other yummy veggies with hummus.

We also went to our favorite video store and they were having a sale on their VHS', yes we still have our VCR,  for 1 dollar and Yanni and I grabbed a few action movies, scary ones and some 80's cheesy comedy films that I have a sweet spot for some reason. Remember Loverboy? I just love that movie. I also like Gene Wilder, so I had to pick up Stir Crazy.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. What were you up to this long weekend?

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